This morning, Brandon and I met the AWA playgroup at The Coffee Club at the Forum. This week there were some new moms there, and it was so nice to meet them and their little ones. It's such a small world... One of the moms there today knows the mom who lives one floor below us. The three of us are going to get together next week for breakfast.
After hanging out at The Coffee Club, some of us went up to the play area in the mall. I am so thankful for that place! Brandon loves it!
This afternoon, Brandon and I spent some time at the pool. I think he actually likes his life vest now. Before we left to go down to the pool, he handed me the life vest to put it on him. There were more kids down at the pool today. One little girl had a ball with her. Brandon was eyeing that ball down! The girl was so nice; she shared her ball with Brandon. He was so happy!
Great end to the day - Brandon and I took the train down to meet Steven for dinner again. So nice to have that time with him.
Oops! I forgot to take any pictures today! First day since we've been here... Oh, well. Got a good video. Brandon is taking more of an interest in little cars. Vroom vroom!